We get messages from people telling us how they’d love to travel around the world and stay in the most luxury resorts, but they don’t have enough money to do so. So here’s a small reflection on that, on the importance of getting to know your own country and how it has changed our perspective:
Eager travelers and avid Instagram users may find themselves frustrated at times with all the beautiful corners around the world that they are yet to discover. Sounds familiar? That’s because it’s more common than you think! And it’s one of the reasons why unhappiness is being linked to social media.
There’s an interesting phenomena in the travel community, where the further (and most unknown) the place is, the more you’re inclined to visit. Why…
We are no exception
Here we are, looking at Mexico’s map, wanting to visit every single state, but we don’t even know our own city entirely. Actually, no one could, Mexico City is insanely big (LOL), but you get the point. And don’t get us started with our international bucket list…
Yes, getting to know new cultures does have its pros –it really broadens your perspective and take on life–. But, if you don’t have the means to do so, don’t feel sad or frustrated. You can also find a version of this in your country. No mind is the same, right? Besides, all countries are beautiful in their own unique way and are full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.
Trust us when we say that local traveling has really changed the way we look at our country. We’ve fallen more in love with it, and the same will happen to you. We’re sure.
Guess what we’re trying to say is: traveling is not all about staying in the most expensive resort in a private island, on the other side of the world. Not even coming to Mexico (as we keep luring you). Traveling is about breaking your routine and getting to know new places, which can easily be done in your own city.
So, we dare you to join us in being tourists in our cities for one day. Are you up for it? We’d love to hear your experiences!
PS. Don’t forget that, most likely, someone is now dreaming about getting to know your city or country.